12 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba



    Hi there!
    I am here with my last video comment. It is about the article “Can Men and Women be Friends?” The reason why I chose this this video is that in this video presenters says that one of the famous cross-sex friends look like more than friends in a picture and after this male presenter says that there is a research in the America about being cross-sex friends and according to this research, men and women cannot be friends, but they do not think so. They have two guests in their shows. One of them believes that men and women cannot be friends while the other one is saying men and women can be friends. Both guests get it off their chests in the show. Male presenter states that he has two close friends who are the members of the opposite sex since his college years and he says that “I am a hope for you America”. At the end of the show they represent some results of the questionnaire which is made online. According this questionnaire %76 of people think that men and women can be friends. If I attended this questionnaire, my vote would be for ''they can'' because in my opinion we are human before being women or being men. Although having differences between us, still we can be friends because we are the parts of this world together and nothing can be an obstacle to be friends.


                          SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME

      Hi my friend!  This is my second  multi-media comment. It is related to young adults who go on  staying with their parents.  Today's world there are many young adults who like living with their parents.  Economical aspects are the most important reasons why they chose this kind of life. When they chose live with their families at home, they do not have to worry about the utility bills, rent , general shopping each month any more because their parents care about every thing instead of them. In this way, these young adults can save money easily.  Moral support is the second reason for young adults to keep staying with their parents. Parents provide moral support for their children. When children grow up and become adults, they still feel that they lose in the society without the moral support of their family.  Moreover; parents always protect their children against every possible danger. Children are used to this protection and feel themselves safe with their families. For this reason, the protection of the family is our third reason for adults and their newly adopted life style. This is a mutualism from a different viewpoint. Parents feel very happy because they think that they can please their children in regardless of their ages. Beside that, children like the values of their families very much. The both sides of the relationdhip is happy about this. As said in this video, parents embrace their children all the time and young adults are not embarrassed beacuse this kind of life because ;indeed, no matter how old you are living with your family is a breath of a fresh air.



      Hello my friends !!

      I m here for my first video comment. It is about Power Phrases. Firstly, I need to remember what Power Phrases are.  All  people need to be respected by their families, children, friends. However; while some people can earn this respect easily, some people have difficult time in that matter. These people generally can not make their words be listened or even heard. They are unable to understand what it is wrong with them.  How can their ideas/ words be so unimportant whereas the others are so significiant? The answer is hidden  in this video. People who can earn respect easily and make their words/ideas be heard use Power Phrases.  Power Phrases are short but powerful expressions. I mean that If we want to say that we are worry about something related to our friend we sould say this directly but tenderly. We should not palter. Saying many words do not  give us respect but cause to lose it. We should be clear, plain as possible as. We  give up impling something. If we want something we should say ' I want it. ' Another important matter is that while using Power Phrases we should support our words by our actions. If we fail to support our actions, we naturally lose respect. In this situaton, we should not wait any respect from the people in our environment. All this that I talk about above are told in this short video. 

      Let's use Power Phrases for a more beautiful life :) 



                            Can Men and Women be Friends?

Have you heard about being cross-sex friend? I seem to hear that you are saying that it cannot be possible, but if I say to you it is possible, it would be shocking, wouldn’t it? The writer in the article “Can Men and Women be Friends?“ mentions about some researches and s/he benefits from experts opinions. For example; one of the experts in the article says that “ women and men can’t be friends comes from another area in which women were at home and men were in the workplace, and the only way they could get together was for romance”. In other words, men and women relationship are different from what it is used to. Today’s world we live this life together no matter which life area this is because we work together, we have sports interests together and socialize together. Moreover; another expert in the article, Don O’Meara, has a good cross-sex friendship and he decided doing research to figure out if there is any other good cross-sex friendships. According to his research to understand whether you are a friend with a member of the opposite sex or not, you have to follow five steps. First of all, you should decide you are friends or lovers? I mean you want this people, but in what way? He state that “you know you love someone and enjoy them as a person, but not enough to date or merry them”. There is a very thin line between them and you have to separate them. The second step is that if you overcome attraction, you can become friend. You should disregard sexual attraction. The third step is that you see your friend equal with you. You should not think that your gender is chosen one, your gender is just a gender not more than it. The fourth step is that you have to deal with doubters. Almost wherever you go you will be welcomed with doubt by other people. They will always ask are you just friends? Because they do not have you point of view on this issue. Finally, it is important where do you meet with you cross-sex friend. When you go a place what is your purpose. After these five steps you can be sure whether you are friend or not. I think being friend more important than dearness. You can find somebody to be in relationship but a friend can be priceless for you and if it is cross-sex friendship, it can be improve your thoughts. 



Nowadays, there are so many young adults staying with their families. According to recent researches; today 59% of men and 47% of women stay with their families or depend on them. The writer of this article '' Show Me The Way To Go Home '' clarifies the reasons why young adults go on staying with their families. First of all; the main reason is economic. To achieve their aims young adults need earn money 70. For this reason; they need save money and decide staying with their families. As a result of this, they can achieve their aims in terms of economically because they do not have to pay for rent, grocery shopping, utility bill each month thus save money easily. For example ; the writer mentions Sallie Knighton in her article. Sallie moved back to her parent's house to save money to buy a car. She could not afford  for a car If she had not stayed with her parents as a teacher.158 Secondly, today's world moral support is the other reason for young adults in this matter. They are supported in terms of moral support by their parents for years. When they begin live separated from their families, they think that they lose this support forever and come down in the world. 208 The third reason is the  security. Young  adults are always in safe with their parents. They aware that whatever they do wrong, their families protect them against every danger. In one sense; this is mutualism. Young adults are happy about the protection and parents are happy because they can show their deep love for their children by protecting them.

11 Haziran 2013 Salı



     Sometimes we search for answers why people ignore us and we can not make ourselves heard by others. It is very weird that some people are very successful about this matter. Whatever they say become   immediately new and very important. How can these people achieve catching on with others? Indeed; the answer is very clear. They are heard, listened by others and earn respect because they use Power Phrases.

    What are these Power Phrases? How can we use these  Power Phrases in our daily lives? The writer explains us these Power Phrases in this article. We can say that Power Phrases are keys to earn respect. All people want to be important for others . They need to be heard and listened. By using Power Phrases we can have achieve the objectives. Besides that, the writer explains us how we can use this Power Phrases in our every day lives. Power Phrases are short but strong expresssions. In addition, these words and phrases should be supported by our actions. The writer warns us about this matter. If we do not support our words or phrases by actions, they lose their impacts on other people and we can not earn any respect. For example; If we can not wait for our friends for half an hour in a cafe, we should not wait for them for hours. Another example is that If we feel uncomfortable when our friends smoke at home we should say this directly but tenderly. After saying that '' I m okey'' then acting uncomfortably do not support our actions and cause lose respect in the eyes of other people. Moreover; We should not say '' your bed is a mess ''. Instead of this; we should say that '' tidy your bed''. We give up imply something. We should say directly what  we want to say and use Power Phrases while saying it. This helps us earn respect. 

    As we can see in the article; the writer gives us several examples related to the results of using Power Phrases. People using this kinds of words and phrases have much self-confidence. They feel that their families, friends, children have respect for himself/herself. Then, let's use Power Phrases :)


      I have commented on Neval's and İnci's journal entries. The links :